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 ‘Thomas Ebdon: A Durham Cathedral Organist ’ Durham County Local History Society Journal vol. 79 (2014): 3-21.


 ‘John Callander and the Avison Connection: A Recently Rediscovered Letter’ Eighteenth Century Music vol. 11, issue 2 (September 2014): 283-290.


 ‘John Garth: The Life of a Durham Musician’ Durham County Local History Society Journal vol. 78 (2013): 3-18.


 ‘The Howgill Family: A Dynasty of Musicians from Georgian Whitehaven.’ Nineteenth­ Century Music Review vol. 10 issue 1 (2013): 57-100.


 ‘John Pixell: an eighteenth-century vicar and composer’ The Musical Times vol.154, no. 1923 (Summer, 2013): 71-83.


 ‘John Garth and his music: an important provincial composer from 18th-century Britain’ The Musical Timesvol. 153 no. 1921 (Winter 2012): 63-93.


 ‘The Eighteenth-Century Musicians of Carlisle Cathedral’ Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society third series, vol. XII (2012): 183-197.


 ‘Charles Avison jnr and his book of organ voluntaries’ The Musical Times vol. 153 no. 1918 (Spring 2012): 97-106.


 ‘The Opening of an Organ: St Mary le Bow, Durham’ BIOS Reporter vol.35, no.3 (July 2011): 75-77.


 ‘The Opening of an Organ: St James’ Church, Whitehaven’ BIOS Reporter vol.35, no.2 (April 2011)


 ‘New Research into the Snetzler Organ of St. Nicholas’ Church, Whitehaven, during the Reign of the Howgill Family’ BIOS Reporter vol.34, no.4 (Oct. 2010): 19-22.


 ‘Daniel Sanderson and the First Organ at Cockermouth Church’ BIOS Reporter vol.34, no.1 (Jan. 2010): 19-22.


 ‘Musical Life in Late Eighteenth-Century Penrith’ BIOS Reporter vol.33, no.2 (April 2009): 14-18.


 ‘Harmony and brotherly love: musicians and Freemasonry in eighteenth century Durham city’ The Musical Times vol.149 no.1904 (Autumn 2008): 69-80.


 ‘A Durham Composer: John Garth and his ‘Cello Concertos’’ Durham Cathedral 74th issue of the Friend’s Annual Report 2007 (Durham, 2008)


 ‘Filling the Gap with Giuseppe Aprili’ Journal of Singing vol.65, no.2 (University of North Texas, 2008): 225-232. Written in partnership with Stephen Austin.


 ‘Putting it Straight. The real John Garth and his old age’ The Avison Ensemble Newsletter (Summer, 2006)


 ‘John Garth. An Influential and Entrepreneurial Musician’ The Avison Newsletter (Spring, 2005)


 A History and Guide to St. Andrew’s Church, Penrith (1997)


 A Short History of Edenhall (1995)


 Programme notes for a large number of concerts, including those given by the Avison Ensemble, and numerous articles and concert reviews for the Cumberland and Westmorland Herald, Penrith.



Sleeve Notes (all for the Avison Ensemble)


 John Garth Accompanied Keyboard Sonatas Opp 2 & 4 (CD, Divine Art, 2014)


 Arcangelo Corelli Opp 1 & 3 (CD, Linn Records, 2014)


 Arcangelo Corelli Opp 2 & 4 (CD, Linn Records, 2013)


 Arcangelo Corelli Opus 5: Violin Sonatas (CD, Linn Records, 2013)


 Arcangelo Corelli Opus 6: Concerti Grossi (CD, Linn Records, 2012)


 Antonio Vivaldi Concertos Op. 8 (CD, Linn Records, 2011)


 George Frideric Handel Concerti Grossi Opus 6 (CD, Linn Records, 2010)


 REBELLION! The Jacobite Rebellions 1715 and 1745 (CD, Cavalier Classics, 2010)


 Charles Avison Sonatas Op.5 & Op.7 (CD, Divine Art, 2010)


 Charles Avison Sonatas Op.1 & Op.8 (CD, Divine Art, 2009)


 Charles Avison 12 Concertos after Domenico Scarlatti (CD, Divine Art, 2008)


 Charles Avison Concertos Op.9 & Op.10 (CD, Divine Art, 2008)


 John Garth Six Concertos for Violoncello (CD, Divine Art, 2007)



Other Writings


 A Century of Music Production in Durham City 1711-1811: A Documentary Study (Durham, PhD thesis, 2009)


 Charles Avison (1709-1770) (Liverpool, MMus thesis, 1999)



Editions and Arrangements


 John Garth: Six Sonatas Op. 2 (London: Fitzjohn, 2011)


 William Howgill: A Duett for Organ (London: Fitzjohn, 2011)


 Charles Avison: Three Concertos (London: Fitzjohn, 2010)


 Charles Avison Junior: Seven Voluntaries (London: Fitzjohn, 2010). Edited in partnership with David Patrick.


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